Sunday, May 17, 2009

back to credit cards after 2 posts put on wrong blog

why does my credit score have to be affected if I cancel a credit card? If I don't use it for over 1 year it will automatically cancel.
I was never late in my payments. Always paid more than the minimum required. Never bounced a check YET my score is going down and my allowed credit continues to shrink.
What game are the banks playing? What game is the government playing? What ever their agenda is neither one of them, banks or government seem to want to honor honesty and dependability.
I was raised in Europe during WWII. I enjoyed the freedom I had once I crossed the ocean to come to the USA. After 45 years in USA I've seen the enjoyable freedom avalanche down amendments and new laws supposed to benefit us but turned to be against us honest, reliable citizens. Profit is not a dirty word but robbery is a sin. Why can't anybody be happy with an honest profit which would benefit all humanity. Why do money and power effect reasoning so badly. I feel I now live in a world of misrepresentation, lies and disguises. Why is the joy of life been taken away from us through fraud masked as protective laws for the citizens?

Saturday, May 16, 2009


Honor thy mother and thy father. Honor your family name for that is the only personal thing you are born and you will die with.
The sacracy of family has gone by the way side. The last 30 years of throw away society destroyed all family ties, neighbourly attitudes and close friendships.
A strong vulnerability has been created for each of us. For the man who stands alone can never have the strength to defend himself against a mob.
Mother's day and father's day should assume a new meaning of closeness instead of the commercial card, or flowers or candies. The world has been materialized in the last generation and deep feelings for each others seem to have been replaced by feelings only skin deep.
Work, we were told, makes a noble man out of a parson. People were proud and respected for the work they did. Workmanship is a thing of the past. Everything today is done to be broken soon or be replaced soon. Economy is suffering from a political, socially created cancer.
Families have become a burden instead of something to be proud of. People in the past walked with their heads high kept that way by their own pride and family. They smiled they hugged, they kissed.
Today through propaganda and funky laws people walk with their head looking down. Even children in cribs seem to frown instead of smiling.
Education, charity, encouragement, politeness were all taught at home but today is monopolized by different schools and organizations. Solidarity is gone.
I try to keep my family's nest but every year it becomes harder to hold on to it, for it seems today's people are born opinionated.

Friday, May 8, 2009

rain rain go away

We had over 8 inches of rain in the Montgomery, Alabama area in less than 30 minutes. It was really teaming hard, the skies were dark and low, nature was silent. We could only hear the wind whispering in the trees and could only see flower petals falling and flying in the breeze.
Tomorrow is here today and the sun raised slowly from the east. The birds welcomed his warmth chirping happily. Little lizards on the banister were breathing happy inflating their red goitre bubble (I am sure there is an anatomical name for the throat of the lizard but I do not know it), I just enjoy watching them breathing blowing that little red bubble under their throat. They are so cute.
The Azalea bushes have been stripped of their beautiful. colorful flowers, so have the Knock Out roses. But nature heals itself fast and new buds will bloom again. Nest blooms will be the Crepe Myrtle trees and the little baby roses surrounding their trunks. I feel blessed to be able to see and admire the wonderful nature around me, even though I could do without the myriads of ants making new beds over the property. I guess ants have a right to life as well and they serve a purpose in nature, even though I cannot imagine what it would be.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


My credit score went down a lot. I still pay all my bills on time and maintain a disciplined accounting method. I spoke with Equifax rep. today and found out I had a collection from a dentist (who originally accepted my insurance assignment). The main think I found out is that closing a credit card goes against your records, even though you were never late paying and always honored your contracts. The banks really want to keep us hooked don't they. Lowering our credit score will make us pay higher interest in future loans, whether a car loan or house mortgage. I personally feel this is another form of fraud on us honest people. Seems as though everyone is double dipping today. They want us on their hook one way or another. I understand congress worked on new regulations for credit cards, but who are these regulations going to benefit? Shouldn't there be a ceiling to the amount of interest a bank can charge or have the banks become pawn shops for credit cards? Strangle the honest needy who try to do right and help the dishonest by giving them a free pass????? How does that work???? I'm dumb. I wish someone would explain me how lowering the amount of credit allowed can help the credit card holder. I remember the old Jessie James used the guns. Today we us pens and computers. The only difference is there is no spilled blood; instead there is a lot of created misery.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Time magazine 4/06/2009back and forth. Page 17. Verbatim

DIPLOMACY: "The United States want the Islamic republic of Iran to take it's rightful place in the community of nations"
Barack Obama, in a video message coinciding with Nowruz holiday, offering to end years of strained relations if Tehran alters it's foreign policy.

"They chant the slogan of change, but no change is seen in practice. We haven't seen any change."
Iranian Supreme Leader AYATULLAH ALI KHAMENEI dismissing Obama's overture in a speech before tens of thousands in the holy city of MASHAD

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Barron's: Interview with William Black

In Barron's 4/13/2009 on page 36 I believe we can finally understand what's behind the scenes of Banks Bail Out'
Barron's:Just how serious is this credit crisis? What is at stake here for the American taxpayer?
Black:Mopping out the saving-and-loan crisis cost 150 billions; this current crisis will probably cost a multiple of that. The scale of fraud is immense.....Unless the current administration changes course pretty drastically, the scandal will destroy Barack Obama's presidency.....
Barron's: So you are saying Democrats as well as Republicans share the blame? No one can claim the high ground?
Black:We have failed bankers giving advice to failed regulators on how to deal with failed assets. How can it result in anything but failure? If they are going to get any truthful investigation, the Democrats picked the wrong financial team. Tim Geithner, the current Secretary of the Treasury, and Larry Summers, Chairman of the National Economic Council, were important architects of the problems. Geithner especially represents a failed regulator, having presided over the bailouts of major New York Banks.
Barron's:So you aren't a fan of the recently announced plan for the Government to back private purchases of the toxic assets?
Black: It is worse than a lie.Geithner has appropriated the language of his critics and of the forthright to support dishonesty. That is what's so appalling-numbering himself among those who convey tough medicine when he is really pandering to the interest of a select group of banks who are on the first-name basis with Washington politicians..................(skip)
If cheaters prosper, cheaters will dominate. It is like Gresham's law: Bad money drives out the good. Well, bad behavior drives out good behavior, without good enforcement......(skip)
Barron's: Summarize the problem as best as you can for Barron's reader.
Black: With most of America's biggest banks insolvent, you have, in essence, a multi trillion dollar cover up by publicly traded entities, which amounts to felony securities fraud on a massive scale. These firms will ultimately be forced into receivership, the management and board stripped of office, title and compensation. First there needs to be a clearing of the air-a Pecora-style fact finding mission conducted without fear or favor (Ferdinand Pecora was an assistant district attorney fron New York who investigate Wall Street practices in the 1930's. Then we need to gear up to pursue criminal cases. Two years after the marked collapsed, the Federal Bureau of Investigation has one-fourth of the resources that the agency used during the saving-and-loan crisis. And the current crises is ten times as large. There need to be major force set up, like there were int the thrift crises. Right now things don't look good. We are using taxpayer money via AIG to secretly bail out European banks like Societe Generale, Deutshe Banc and USB in Switzerland, while we were simultaneously prosecuting the bank for tax fraud. The second most obscene: Goldman receiving almost 13 billion in AIG counter party payments after advising Geithner, President of the New York Fed, and then-Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, former Goldman Sachs honcho, on the AIG government take over......(skip).
Please buy April 13, 2009 edition of Barron's. Read the full article. Starts on page 36 and you will have a clear picture of how our government is defrauding us taxpayer. Thank you

Monday, April 6, 2009

from consumer's affairs

alankeyes...wmv (6.7 MB)