Sunday, May 17, 2009

back to credit cards after 2 posts put on wrong blog

why does my credit score have to be affected if I cancel a credit card? If I don't use it for over 1 year it will automatically cancel.
I was never late in my payments. Always paid more than the minimum required. Never bounced a check YET my score is going down and my allowed credit continues to shrink.
What game are the banks playing? What game is the government playing? What ever their agenda is neither one of them, banks or government seem to want to honor honesty and dependability.
I was raised in Europe during WWII. I enjoyed the freedom I had once I crossed the ocean to come to the USA. After 45 years in USA I've seen the enjoyable freedom avalanche down amendments and new laws supposed to benefit us but turned to be against us honest, reliable citizens. Profit is not a dirty word but robbery is a sin. Why can't anybody be happy with an honest profit which would benefit all humanity. Why do money and power effect reasoning so badly. I feel I now live in a world of misrepresentation, lies and disguises. Why is the joy of life been taken away from us through fraud masked as protective laws for the citizens?

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