Saturday, May 16, 2009


Honor thy mother and thy father. Honor your family name for that is the only personal thing you are born and you will die with.
The sacracy of family has gone by the way side. The last 30 years of throw away society destroyed all family ties, neighbourly attitudes and close friendships.
A strong vulnerability has been created for each of us. For the man who stands alone can never have the strength to defend himself against a mob.
Mother's day and father's day should assume a new meaning of closeness instead of the commercial card, or flowers or candies. The world has been materialized in the last generation and deep feelings for each others seem to have been replaced by feelings only skin deep.
Work, we were told, makes a noble man out of a parson. People were proud and respected for the work they did. Workmanship is a thing of the past. Everything today is done to be broken soon or be replaced soon. Economy is suffering from a political, socially created cancer.
Families have become a burden instead of something to be proud of. People in the past walked with their heads high kept that way by their own pride and family. They smiled they hugged, they kissed.
Today through propaganda and funky laws people walk with their head looking down. Even children in cribs seem to frown instead of smiling.
Education, charity, encouragement, politeness were all taught at home but today is monopolized by different schools and organizations. Solidarity is gone.
I try to keep my family's nest but every year it becomes harder to hold on to it, for it seems today's people are born opinionated.

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