Tuesday, May 5, 2009


My credit score went down a lot. I still pay all my bills on time and maintain a disciplined accounting method. I spoke with Equifax rep. today and found out I had a collection from a dentist (who originally accepted my insurance assignment). The main think I found out is that closing a credit card goes against your records, even though you were never late paying and always honored your contracts. The banks really want to keep us hooked don't they. Lowering our credit score will make us pay higher interest in future loans, whether a car loan or house mortgage. I personally feel this is another form of fraud on us honest people. Seems as though everyone is double dipping today. They want us on their hook one way or another. I understand congress worked on new regulations for credit cards, but who are these regulations going to benefit? Shouldn't there be a ceiling to the amount of interest a bank can charge or have the banks become pawn shops for credit cards? Strangle the honest needy who try to do right and help the dishonest by giving them a free pass????? How does that work???? I'm dumb. I wish someone would explain me how lowering the amount of credit allowed can help the credit card holder. I remember the old Jessie James used the guns. Today we us pens and computers. The only difference is there is no spilled blood; instead there is a lot of created misery.

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